Ya estoy inscrito ¿Todavía no tienes acceso? Nuestros Planes
Ya estoy inscrito ¿Todavía no tienes acceso? Nuestros Planes

The Cue, the Routine, and the Reward

The Cue is a trigger or signal that prompts a specific behavior. For example, seeing a book by your bed reminds you to read. The Routine is the action itself, such as reading a chapter each night. The Reward is the benefit you gain, like better sleep or personal growth. This cycle is essential for creating effective habits. By identifying clear cues, establishing purposeful routines, and ensuring meaningful rewards, you can build habits that align with your goals and improve your daily life. A and D...

1 respuesta

Hola Estudiante, espero que estés bien

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¡Abrazos y buenos estudios!

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