Hola a todos!!
Les envío un cordial saludo y si tienen oportunidad de ver mi código les agradezco mucho..
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<title>Using Functions</title>
<center><h3>My brother and I.</h3></center>
* @Creator Emmanuel Montes Lugo.
* @Version 1.0
* @param The next functions are "calculateDiff" and "breakline", the first one is the principal because
* it calculates the difference between the age of my brother and mine. In the second function I am using
* "document.write" for insert a space between lines, and in the last one function, I am using again
* "document.write" for printing some variables and callback to the first function for spacing lines.
function breakLine(){//This is a void function.
function calculateDiff(brotherAge, myAge){
var result = brotherAge - myAge;
return result;
function printSomething(results){
var brotherAge = parseInt(prompt("Put the age of your brother, please: "));
var myAge = parseInt(prompt("My age is: "));
var result = calculateDiff(brotherAge,myAge);
alert("Well done! check the browser to see the results, thanks!")
printSomething("The age of my brother is: " + brotherAge + " years.");
printSomething("My age is: " + myAge + " years.");
printSomething("The result of the difference is: " + result + " years.");