¿Cuál es el problema con el código de Felipe?
Felipe was suppousing that the index 1 in the array was the first element of the array, but Felipe was wrong, the index of the first element in an array is the
index 0 not the index 1, the cardinality of the elements into an array is offset by one with respect to it index, being the index 0 the one which represent the first element of the array.
¿Cómo puede cambiarlo para que muestre todos los nombres en la lista sin omitir ninguno?
The solution to Felipe´s problem is relatively easy. Felipe just have to change the initial value of the local variable "i" in the for loop from 1 to 0. In such a manner the first element to show in the "alert" function in fact will be the first element of the array not the second as it used to be.